Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Off we go!

The ship heads off in 10 minutes! We’ve been “loading” students all day (200+)! There is definitely excitement in the air!

The ship has been polished, the basketball nets are up, we’ve been orientated, the foosball tables are up, Davis has been busy helping with IT and the IRC’s (Intercultural Resident Coordinators), the gym equipment has been put up, we’ve bought our last duty free things, I guess we’re ready to go! Eight days at sea! It will be different, but I’m sure an experience. There has been much talk about the ability to see thousands of stars out on the open water.

Yesterday we headed to the beach for our last land activity for a few days. We enjoyed the company of Lynn (another instructor), Alexa (15 year-old daughter of a staff member) and Kyra (younger daughter of Alexa). On the way back we stopped at Goodies for dinner (the Greek equivalent of MacDonalds).

Today we lose our free internet. We get 250 free minutes for the voyage and then it starts to cost! We do hope to keep up our blog.

Some thoughts – We feel prepared and ready to go! Travel seems to be one of those great leisure activities (reference to the chapter in the Evolution of Leisure, Are some activities better than others?). Travel frees the mind, you seem to have much more sense of freedom to choose and you don't have those feelings/thoughts of obligations. You have more opportunity to define your experience. I do think it’s one of those leisure activities that is better than others. It reminds me of the book Waiting for the Weekend where the author Witold Rybenski (spelling) talks about reading books as one of the optimum leisure activities. Again you get to choose, control how things go. You read as fast as you want, you interpret the story how you want, the ultimate sense of freedom. Enough philosophizing for now! I’m off to the bridge to watch us depart!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Bon Voyage! May the seas be calm. May the stars shine bright! I shall look out at night and know that somewhere those same stars are shining down on you too! Love to both of you. Mom