Sunday, November 25, 2007

G’day mate!

How’r ya? Yes, two days in Australia and I’m already using the language! Sydney is quite the city, over 4 million people spread over a very large area. Lots to see and do! The day we arrived in port there was a large contingent of TSS folks who “hopped” a bus and headed out to Bondi Beach to enjoy the sun, shopping and the last day of the “Sculptures by the Sea”. As well as enjoying Bondi Beach I was able to take in the sights (i.e. shops, families, restaurants, exhibits & performers), sounds (i.e. people laughing, children screaming), smells (i.e. fresh air, food cooking & ocean) and tastes (i.e. coffee, pizza) along Darling Harbour, a tourist and local “Mecca”.

The second day all of the Academic Field programs headed to Macquarie University for a general orientation to the University, Sydney and Australia. Similar to events in British Columbia, we were also given an indigenous welcome by Uncle Greg Sims. Our specific AFP ended the day with a session on the Australian economy, which has been quite robust in the last ten years. It was suggested the election that happens on our last day might change all of that.

On our third day we hit the road and headed north to coal mining country. We were first given information about the coal industry at the Coal Industry Centre and then a tour of an open cut coal mine. I think students were most impressed with the average truck driver salary of $110,000 and the gigantic machinery used to dig and carry the coal.

Day four was on the ship where we had sessions with the NSW Department of State and Regional Development Trade Services section and the NSW Business Chamber. Here we mostly learned how well Australia is doing in the export world.

Day five was a hit as we headed up to Hunter Valley where we were treated to a wine tasting and tour of Lindeman’s Winery, a session with the regional tourism association, a great lunch Harrigan’s Pub, a session with the manager of Hunter Valley Gardens Resort and a tour of the Hunter Valley Gardens. A “jam-packed” day with many sights and sounds and tastes to enjoy!

Our final AFP day had only a session in the morning with an investment banker from Macquarie Bank. Interesting stuff that the bank is involved with (all over the world) from bridges and toll roads to hospitals and retirement homes. The afternoon was free time to enjoy a variety of Sydney sights (e.g. Chinese Gardens, sushi for lunch, browsing in the Queen Victoria Building, browsing in Paddy’s Market, the Sydney Tower viewing deck, the Oz Trek, the rooftop beer gardens, the wine bar and so on).

Our last day in port Davis and I headed out to take some last photos for his social studies course and have one last Starbucks coffee. After phoning home we headed back to the ship in preparation for departure.

Back to the seas we go! Let’s hope it’s not as rough has our journey from New Zealand to Australia.


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